19 November 2010

Ruben's always laughing and talking

"What goes around, comes around" - I was always (maybe I still am?) a very talkative child and Ruben is shaping up to be the same. Although he can't say a single word yet (although something that sounds like "Dada" is common), he is VERY loud. If he's not talking, he's smiling and laughing, and very rarely crying. What a perfect little boy! Enjoy these short videos of Ruben aged 7 months.

03 November 2010

Melbourne Cup day here in Perth

Every year, Australians go bananas over a horse race. Even people like us who have no interest in horse races! This year, Ruben and I were at home for the day while Jan was at work, and we had our own Melbourne Cup Sweep to see who would get the lucky horses.

First, we got the names of the horses in one of Ruben's favourite cups and ... well he got distracted by another cup for a minute ...

Finally, Ruben drew eight horses for each of us. I stuck them on to separate pages labelled Ruben, Daddy and Mummy.

Ruben thought that playing with the list of horses would be much more fun than looking at them.

Unfortunately, by the time the actual race started, Ruben had gone to bed for a nap. I watched it by myself and was quite upset that all the winning horses during the race belonged to Ruben and Jan.

But suddenly, right at the end, THREE of my horses came out of nowhere and came first, second and third. I was the winner! We had already decided that the prize would be a big cuddle, so I got extra cuddles for the rest of the day.